am just a deg weef a hat
$WEEF is a new coin readi to run to millis :3
Contract: HqX4LJHq9xDRgKeynrAUcnUF9tM45vTopib3w1WWzF25
- Token supply:
- No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.
- LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced.
Stage 1
- Launch token
- Burn liquidity
- Dexscreener info
- 500 holders
- $500,000 market cap
Stage 2
- Telegram AMAs
- First community spaces
- CMC & CG listing application
- 5,000 holders
- $10,000,000 market cap
- "weef" Launchped
Stage 3
- CEX listing application(s)
- 20,000+ holders
- $100,000,000+ market cap
- Launch NFT's
- "Help them $WEEF"
figur it owwt
$WEEF is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.